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Mini Buds

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UNCRC – Article 31 – I have the right to relax and play. 

UNCRC – Article 29 – I have the right to be the best that I can be.

Global Goals – GG4 – Quality Education


Our Mini-Buds have been working with Kay Clark to learn all about their new role in school. They have talked about what they be expected to do at playtime and how to deal with any challenges. Through their Mini-Bud training the children have explored ways in which they can help others and have recently participated in training about the restorative approach.


The Mini-buds are available at playtime and lunchtime and they can be easily found by the children because they wear a purple cap and lanyard. They support children if they are feeling lonely and need someone to play with. They also help children who have been hurt or to solve problems between friends.


Our Mini-Buds this year are: Grace, Laila, Louie, Freddie, Noah, Nixon, Ava, Adam, Tommy & Freyja.

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