School Admissions
At present a maximum of 40 children can be admitted to each year group. In the event of more applications being received than the admission allows, the Local Education Authority, in consultation with school will allocate available places.
A full copy of the admissions criteria can be obtained on request from school or click on the link below. Parents of children who cannot be admitted have the right to appeal to an Appeals Committee against the decision not to admit their child. Parents are welcome to visit the school when considering whether to apply for admission for their child, preferably bringing their child with them to view the school also.
Click here to take a look around our school Pure Imagination 2020
Or watch our short film to see what our children have to say about Annfield Plain Infant School. Written and created by them, this is a great insight into our wonderful world.
Applications of Primary school places 2024/25
The deadline for applying for a primary school place is Monday 15 January 2024.
To apply or for more information click here Apply here
The offer of a school place will be made on 17 April 2024.
Click on the relevant links for information regarding the School Admission Process and Primary School Admissions. This includes:
An explanation of the process for applying for a school place, including important dates
The selection process
Over-subscription criteria
Details of when offers of places will be communicated to parents
How applications can be made outside of the normal procedure and how they will be dealt with
Dates of when any waiting list will be held until following communication for offers of places.
For information concerning appeals against an admission decision, including when and how appeals will be heard, visit: School admissions-appeals.
Annfield Plain Infant School’s admission arrangements comply with The School Admissions Code and The School Admissions Appeal Code.
Nursery Admissions
Here at Annfield Plain Infant School we offer Nursery places for 3/4 year old children. If you are considering Annfield Plain Infant School please contact the school office on 01207 234691 to discuss the application process.

Applying for a school place during the academic year
An application for an in-year transfer can also be made by contacting School Admissions at Durham County Council. For more information visit: In-Year transfers information.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Annfield Plain Infants we look at the educational needs of a student with disabilities and special needs. In liaison with all other professionals involved with the pupil we plan a comprehensive learning package, which will allow for measurable learning opportunities to be put in place. This means that the pupil and all adults involved in supporting that pupil will meet to plan the educational provision best suited to the needs of the individual pupil. At all times we will work closely with parents to ensure that their child receives the very best educational experience that Annfield Plain Infant School can offer.
At Annfield Plain Infants, we recognise that there is always room for improvement, and we would welcome any further suggestions as to how we could improve our accessibility to all, whatever their disability. We have annually invited parents who have movement difficulties to work with the Headteacher in making improvements to the school environment/organisation.
At Annfield Plain Infant School we have a Single Equality and Accessibility Policy, therefore every Annfield Plain Infant pupil is provided with equal opportunity to access all aspects of our curriculum. Annfield Plain Infants welcomes any suggestions as to how we can further improve this facility.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Here at Annfield Plain Infant School we have very high expectations of our children and their behaviour. To read our Behaviour Policy click here: Behaviour Management Policy
We adhere to the Exclusion Guidance & Procedures of Durham County Council. Please click here for more information http://www.durham.gov.uk/schoolexclusion