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Our School

At Annfield Plain Infant School we aim:

  • To develop a caring community in which concern and respect for others is fostered and the importance of good will, sensitivity and tolerance in interpersonal relationships is exemplified.

  • To recognise the needs and talents of each pupil and to facilitate the development of creative, intellectual, moral, physical and social capacity.

  • To ensure that the curriculum incorporates legislative requirements and is appropriate, flexible and relevant to each pupil.

  • To monitor in a systematic manner the progress of each individual and the work of the school.

  • To foster an awareness of social responsibility to the school and the local community and society at large, encouraging each individual to accept responsibilities and develop self awareness and discipline.

  • To provide a caring, disciplined and supportive environment for each pupil and prepare each pupil for life beyond the school.
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Headteachers' Message

Welcome to Annfield Plain Infant School. We hope that you enjoy browsing this website, and that it will give you a glimpse into life at our busy and exciting school.


Our aim is to provide a caring community which is based on mutual trust and respect for the values and beliefs of others. We provide a safe and stimulating environment, which enables children to achieve their personal, creative and academic potential in order to become life long learners. We look forward to working in partnership with parents and extend a warm welcome to visit our school.


Governing Body

Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents, school staff and the Local Education authority. They bring a range of interests knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity.


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Stanley Learning Partnership

SLP is the first primary Multi-Academy Trust in the Stanley area. Our community of schools currently consists of Greenland Community Primary School, South Stanley Infant & Nursery School, South Stanley Junior School, Bloemfontein Primary School, Annfield Plain Infant School, Annfield Plain Junior School, East Stanley School, Langley Park Primary School, Burnhope Primary School and Collierley Primary School.


Having successfully worked together for a number of years within the Stanley cluster our formal partnership will develop and enhance the good work that already exists within all schools without compromising our own identities and ethos.

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